Plant Disease Testing

There are many plant pathogenic organisms that can cause disease in your crops.  Common symptoms of these diseases include blight, cankers, root rot, wilt, stunting, leaf curling, and more.  Often times the same or similar symptoms can be caused by different pathogens.  At CAD, our lab of experts has been trained to correctly identify the pathogen causing harm to your crops, allowing you to make the right disease management decisions. 

There are many plant pathogenic organisms that can cause disease in your crops.  Common symptoms of these diseases include blight, cankers, root rot, wilt, stunting, leaf curling, and more.  Often times the same or similar symptoms can be caused by different pathogens.  At CAD, our lab of experts has been trained to correctly identify the pathogen causing harm to your crops, allowing you to make the right disease management decisions. 

There are many plant pathogenic organisms that can cause disease in your crops.  Common symptoms of these diseases include blight, cankers, root rot, wilt, stunting, leaf curling, and more.  Often times the same or similar symptoms can be caused by different pathogens.  At CAD, our lab of experts has been trained to correctly identify the pathogen causing harm to your crops, allowing you to make the right disease management decisions. 

Some of the common diseases and pathogens we identify include, but are not limited to:

Bacteria Fungus

  • Pseudomonas spp. Alternaria spp.

  • Xylella fastidiosa Collectotrichum spp.

  • Xanthomonas spp. Ceratocystis spp.

  • Agrobacterium spp. Phoma spp.

  • Erwina spp. Pythium & Phytophthora spp.


  • Xiphenema spp.

  • Meloidogyne spp.

  • Pratylenchus spp.

  • Paratylenchus spp.

  • Longidorus spp.


  • Ringspot virus

  • Cucumber green mottle virus

  • Mosaic virus

  • Curly leaf top virus

  • Leaf curl virus

  • Phytoplamsa

For information on how to submit a plant sample:

Pollen Testing

Effective pollination is necessary to ensure high seed and fruit yield. To ensure the quality of your seeds and abundant yield, pollen viability tests should be performed.

CAD offers both pollen viability and germination tests.

For information on how to submit a pollen sample:

Foodborne Pathogen Testing

When food vegetables are not tested before going to market, you run the risk of contamination with bacteria like, E.coli, Salmonella and Listeria. These bacteria can cause severe diseases in humans, and pathogen outbreaks are often caused by these types of contaminated foods. Thus, testing for foodborne pathogens to prevent foodborne illness is essential.

In CAD LLC, we test for these types of pathogens using specialized selective media and molecular methods, such as PCR and sequencing.

For submitting a sample for foodborne pathogen testing, please refer to the sample submission guidelines for plant tissue or soil samples: